photo icon1_zpseff71810.png 365 Days With Sara Style: Trainwreck of Emotion

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trainwreck of Emotion

Trainwreck, the movie, is by no means the disaster implied by its title. A raunchy romantic comedy written by "it girl" of the moment, Amy Schumer, Trainwreck is somewhat of a traditional romance movie with a happy ending.

Rated R (and deservedly so), this rom-com is anything but old-fashioned, with unapologetic sexual humor.  Amy Schumer not only wrote, but also stars as the adult daughter of a father who taught her that monogamy was unrealistic.  Taking his advice, Amy has become as promiscuous as her father, while her younger sister took the opposite path, marries and wants to have a family.

Working at a men's magazine that is exploitive and sexist, Amy, who has no interest in sports, gets assigned to writing an article on an important sports physician.  It turns out that this physician (played by Bill Hader) is charmed by Amy with her uninhibited spirit.  He is even more intrigued when she has no idea who his best friend, Lebron James, is.  Despite herself, Amy finds that she is attracted to this decent guy as well.

The developing relationship, how Amy grows up and learns to love herself is at the heart of the movie, but the story of Amy's father,  Connor (Colin Quinn) ends up giving emotional depth to the film.  In a crude and blunt movie, the touching story of having an ill parent gave the movie a chance to show a sweeter side.

The movie does get off-track toward the end, but like any good happily ever after story, the finale does give the movie goer the ability to leave with a smile.


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